We have the great pleasure to welcome two new members of the MADS laboratory: Michele Pasqua and Claude Stolze. Michele comes from the University of Verona, Italy, and he is an expert in formal models and abstract interpretation, especially for IoT applications. Claude comes from IRIF, the Research Institute on the Foundations of Computer Science […]
IT MATTERS starts!
The kick-off meeting of the PRIN 2017 project “IT MATTERS” has been in Pisa, on October 14. About 40 people have gathered, from the universities of Pisa, Udine, Camerino, the IMT of Lucca, the GSSI of L’Aquila and the CNR. The project is about trustworthiness of “smart systems”, so the MADS lab will have the […]
Lectures about blockchain
Marino Miculan, head of MADS laboratory, has given three lectures about the computational and architectural aspects behind the so much hyped Bitcoin, within the course “Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Smartcontracts” for the MSc in Finance and Management at Cranfield University.
The Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications of the ACM SAC 2016 conference is devoted to models, formalisms and mechanisms to describe concurrent and distributed computations. Submission deadline is Sep 11, 2015. See here for the complete call for papers.