Modern systems are increasingly decentralised and autonomous; therefore their implementation is increasingly difficult and error prone. These systems should guarantee continuous service, be resilient to faults, self-adaptable to changes, and resistant to security attacks; in particular, sensitive data must be kept confidential and user privacy and anonymity preserved. This is even more important in the case of embedded an cyber-physical systems, where a software misbehaviour may have disruptive effects on the surrounding environment.
The Laboratory of Models and Applications and Distributed Systems (MADS) aims at contributing effective answers for the correct design and implementation of distributed, autonomous, embedded systems. In particular we focus on
- formal models for supporting the correct design of trustworthy distributed systems
- engineering techniques to implement these systems, in particular in embedded and IoT scenarios;
- strategies for the coordination of distributed autonomous systems;
- methods and tools to protect resources and information from misuse;
- verification of security properties of authentication and communication protocols.
The research unit is funded by the European Union, the Italian Ministry for the University and Research (MIUR), the University of Udine and industrial partners.